
Category Archives: Energy Efficiency

Is Your Home Costing You Money? Here are 7 Energy Efficient Projects to Tackle

Energy efficiency is a big deal when you have to pay hundreds every month just to keep the power on. Unfortunately, most properties aren’t set up to be as efficient as possible, which can lead to these higher bills.

If you’re ready to save some money while putting in a little roof to make it possible, these are the top energy-efficient projects you should consider. Not only will they save you money, but they’ll also increase your home’s value.

1. Check Your Windows

Your windows are one of the most important parts of your home. Not only do they decide whether or not you’ll have to deal with air leaks, but they also allow a lot of natural light in and can lower your electricity use through lighting.

If your windows are older, take the time to check for leaks or signs that they’re letting air through. In some older windows, this can be clear if you walk past them and feel a temperature change. In others, you need to use a flame to check. Light a candle and walk near any windows or doors to see if the light moves. 

If the light pulls strongly towards or away from any entrances, there’s an air leak that needs to be fixed. Take the time to invest in sturdy windows, even if you’re just replacing a portion of them, to lower your energy bills.

2. Update Your Roof

How old is your roof? Since heat rises, an older roof is one of the fastest ways to watch your energy bill skyrocket throughout the winter. If you don’t know how old your roof is, take a look at it and check for signs of aging. This can mean curled shingles, broken tiles, leaks, or discoloration.

Although a simple repair can save you some time, it’s a better idea to take the time to do a full replacement. Slate roofing will give you the opportunity to start fresh and have a roof that will block out the weather while protecting your home.

3. Insulate As Much As Possible

Insulation is king! Whether you have a crawlspace you’ve left uninsulated or your roof and siding are lacking insulation, it’s important to have your levels checked. Good insulation can last over a hundred years, but it’s vital that you make sure it’s in place instead of just assuming.

If your home is older than the early 1980s, and you don’t know the last time the insulation was updated, it’s important that you talk to a professional. Although asbestos is incredibly uncommon now, some properties that are original to the owners still have asbestos in their attic spaces.

4. Look At Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system should be working in your favor! Consider the type of gas or fuel you use to power your system. If it’s gas-fueled, consider going for propane since it has the most level and affordable heating. If you’re dealing with an electric system, ensure it’s up-to-date and able to handle modern needs.

Investing in a smart thermostat is extremely important! A smart thermostat will give you a chance to control your heating and cooling from anywhere in the world while also giving you the opportunity to keep track of how much you’re spending on heating and cooling.

5. Your Siding Could be the Secret

How old is your siding? What type of insulation is in it? Better siding, like synthetic stucco, will keep out the weather and temperatures while still looking fantastic. You can have insulation built in between the siding and your home, which will further stop any moisture, temperature fluctuations, or insect life that might find its way in otherwise.

Look at your siding and decide if it’s possibly time to swap it out for something newer. The average siding only lasts twenty to thirty years, so it could be time.

6. Consider Your Flooring

Your floors are the part of your home that you’re in contact with more than any other area of your property, so they should be able to handle whatever you throw at it. This can also mean adding radiant heating. Heated floors keep moisture out, help you save money on heating your home, and allow the heat to rise naturally. A radiant heating thermostat will allow you to keep the temperatures exactly where you want them.

7. Increase Natural Light

Natural light is an awesome way to save money in the long run. Although the average lightbulb doesn’t cost a lot even if left on 24/7, when you compile all of the different lights throughout your home, you may realize you’re spending a lot to do what a window would do for free.

Put in natural light by enlarging windows and considering cutting back shrubbery or trees that block any windows.

Every Property Can Be More Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency is a must in the modern market. Create a property that stuns and saves money by investing in these different projects!

Jackie Kaufman is a freelance writer that shares her knowledge and studies of construction and environmental sustainability industries. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her kids hiking the trails of Colorado where she and her family currently live. Jackie’s work as a freelance writer can be found on Building Product Advisor, a new construction industry resource launching in Fall 2022.